
What does herpes look like in the mouth and how to treat it

The appearance of sores on the oral mucosa is an unpleasant phenomenon. Herpes in the mouth usually manifests itself in the following areas: on the palate, on the tongue, on the inside of the cheek, on the inside of the lip and on the gums. If you approach the treatment of this disease correctly, then you can overcome it quickly enough, and how to do this, read below.


Herpes in the oral cavity is a herpes virus type 1 and 2, one of the most common diseases in which a small blistering rash appears in the oral cavity. With this virus, ulcers do not pose a serious danger to the sick person.

There are many factors that can cause herpes of the oral mucosa:

surgical interventions;

emotional and physical stress;


natural influences (sun, cold, wind);


weakened, vulnerable immunity;


physical reboots;

oncological diseases;



taking antibiotics;


elevated temperature;

sleep deficit.

Most people have the herpes simplex virus in a latent (hidden) form that enters the upper nerve plexus. Having moved along the trigeminal nerve, herpes remains inactive there until the time of manifestation. Having descended along the nerve, the revived virus makes its way into the oral cavity, destroying the mucous membrane.


What you need to pay attention to: the symptoms of herpes in the mouth can be confused with stomatitis if you do not know what herpes sores look like. Therefore, let’s look at how herpes manifests itself on the oral mucosa.

I must say that oral herpes is herpetic stomatitis. It is either acute or chronic. Chronic, or as doctors call it – recurrent, is very rare, but acute is the most common manifestation of herpes in the mouth.

Oral herpes can be divided into 3 forms (degrees):

Easy. Mild herpes resolves with asymptomatic course. A close examination of the oral cavity reveals swelling of the mucous membrane and small wounds that heal in a short time. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly.

Average. For moderate herpes of the mouth, the clinical picture is pronounced with a change in the blood count. With timely therapy, the resulting wounds in this degree pass without traces.

Heavy. Herpes of the oral mucosa of a severe degree begins with a sharp deterioration in health. The lymph nodes of the submandibular and cervical zone become inflamed. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is affected by a blistering rash. Body temperature can rise up to 40 degrees.

When diagnosing, the doctor examines the mucous membrane of the lips and oral cavity to diagnose herpes. In order to determine the causes of the disease, the doctor takes into account the testimony of the patient, examines the symptoms. In order to establish a diagnosis, a biopsy (surgery), a smear for analysis or blood donation is prescribed to determine antibodies to the virus. This is necessary for the correct appointment of treatment for the patient.

For proper diagnosis, you need to go to the clinic, where the doctor will send you to take a smear for analysis and do a biopsy. He will also prescribe treatment, after which healed wounds will leave minor marks.


Consider how to treat herpes in the mouth of an adult. Regardless of what causes the disease, the complex treatment of herpes in the mouth as a whole gives a good result if the absolutely correct approach is chosen for the treatment, namely:

taking medications;


taking vitamins;

folk remedies;

therapy that stimulates the immune system;

bed rest.

Antiviral drugs suppress the activity of herpes in order to speed up recovery and effectively heal the mucous membranes. For this purpose, the following are prescribed: Amixin, Acyclovir – Akrikhin, Kagocel , Viferon. Check dosages of medicines with your doctor.

If you have herpes on the gums, on the palate, or on the mucous membrane in the cheek area, then it is possible to treat the infection with hydrogen peroxide. And also a good result of the treatment of herpes viruses is rinsing the mouth after each meal. For this purpose, salt water, furatsilin are used, and a solution of chlorophyllipt can also be used . To relieve pain with herpes on the palate, you can treat the oral mucosa with Calgel containing lidocaine.

For children, during treatment, it is recommended to alternately lubricate the oral cavity. First with hydrogen peroxide and then with an oil solution of chlorophyllipt . Antiviral drugs are also prescribed. The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the severity of the disease.

With herpes, an independent choice of drugs for treatment is not allowed. It is recommended that treatment be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist.


Herpes can also be treated at home. In folk medicine, there are many options for protection against herpes in the mouth in adults and children.

Some of the methods of traditional medicine at home:

Half, cut lengthwise, raisins to wipe the wounds in the mouth. This procedure is carried out approximately 3-4 times a day.

Pour boiling water over lemon balm, chamomile flowers and wormwood. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Rinse your mouth with warm water.

Treat sores in the mouth with sea buckthorn or fir oil every 3 hours until the wounds heal.

Lubricate the affected mucous membrane in the oral cavity with squeezed juice from aloe leaves.

The lips and corners of the lips affected by the virus are recommended to be wiped with medical alcohol or apply ice cubes.

Therapeutic procedures of traditional medicine will help strengthen the immune system and eliminate the main symptoms of the disease. But still, the treatment of herpes infection is recommended to be carried out in a complex with a medical plan drawn up by a doctor.

Complications of herpes in the mouth can be avoided by contacting a specialist at the first symptoms of the onset of the disease. In no case should the mucous membrane of the mouth be treated with burning solutions.


Each person must adhere to their own health system. Effective disease prevention can bring positive results. It is impossible for a person to completely get rid of the herpes virus, but it is quite possible to reduce its activity.

You can avoid recurrence of the virus by adhering to these preventive measures:

Healthy lifestyle:

to form a mentality of health;

raise the level of health culture;

socially useful lifestyle (interesting work, etc.);

establish a clear regime of the day, work, rest.

Maintaining immunity:

varied and balanced diet;

be physically active, spend more time outdoors;

avoid sleep deprivation, especially in winter;

avoid the main provocateur of a decrease in immunity – stress.

Personal hygiene:

your personal belongings must be kept in perfect cleanliness;

wash the whole body, teeth, oral cavity, clean and rinse daily.

So, let’s sum up. Now you know that the cause of herpetic stomatitis is the presence of herpesvirus types 1 and 2 in the blood. And also you know how to treat herpes in the mouth with the help of traditional medicine, but we strongly recommend that you approach the treatment systemically so that the disease does not drag on for a long time. After all, a correctly diagnosed doctor, the appointment of complex treatment and the impeccable implementation of the doctor’s recommendations will undoubtedly lead to a quick and effective recovery.

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