
How to treat herpes on the hands and fingers and how to distinguish it from other diseases

When a bubble rash appears on the hands, the question often arises – can herpes appear on the skin of the hands? Believe it can! Moreover, herpes on the hands has a different localization. It can appear on the palms, fingers (finger panaritium), between the fingers, etc. It must be able to distinguish it from other diseases and choose the right treatment that only the attending physician can handle. The “manual” herpes has a number of features, which are detailed below.


The causes of herpes on the hands are the presence of three strains of this virus:

Reduced immunity, especially after operations and serious illnesses.

Severe hypothermia of the hands.

Finger and hand injuries.

domestic infection. The virus can be transferred when treating a cold of the lips or in the genital area if the bladder has burst and there are wounds or cracks on the hands.

When transferring genital or labial herpes to the hands, if at this moment the hands are prone to other diseases (eczema, etc.)

An infection can change the localization zone only under external factors. The possibility of the appearance of herpes on the hands or fingers during independent migration within the body is practically excluded. Therefore, it is possible to infect hands with herpes only when the skin of the hands comes into contact with an infected area of the body.


Below are the four stages of symptoms of this localization. For convenience, under the heading, you can consider the symptoms of each stage in the photo.


First stage

At this stage, there is a burning sensation, the skin often itches. Some areas may swell a little. In order to prevent the development of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs.

Second phase.

At the second stage, small painful bubbles with liquid already appear.

Third stage.

In the third stage, it is important to drown out the activity of the virus as quickly as possible. Since the bubbles begin to burst and the herpes virus penetrates into new areas of the skin.

Fourth stage.

The fourth stage is healing. The blisters dry and turn into a rough solid crust, after which the skin is renewed, and scars may remain.

If you find herpes vesicles with a clear liquid, in no case do not pierce them. The liquid will get to other parts of the skin and the spread of herpes will only get worse!


On the fingers, between the fingers. Herpes on the finger is the most common affected area in this localization, this disease is called herpetic panaritium. At the same time, pain is present in the fingers, which makes it uncomfortable to move them. Most often, fingers are susceptible to infection in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nails and the last phalanx. Herpes between the fingers is very rare.

On the palms, the back of the hands. Herpes on the palms and back of the hand is much less common. But this is the most unpleasant area for the patient, because the palms are most often used in everyday life.

Elbows and shoulders. The rarest localization usually occurs in athletes who are engaged in contact martial arts or wrestling.

1 Herpes on the fingers 2 Herpes between the fingers

3 Herpes on the palms 4 Herpes on the back of the hand

5 Herpes on the elbow 6 Herpes on the shoulder


The skin rash may be herpes, but it is likely that this is a different disease. In this regard, it is necessary to differentiate herpes from other diseases. A rash on the hands can occur due to an allergic reaction, insect bites, all kinds of burns, reactions to poisons, and many other factors.

Difference from bacterial panaritium. Herpetic panaritium has two main differences from the bacterial one: a) there is no pus with it, b) during the course, the herpetic panaritium does not impair the mobility of the fingers in their joints. And also herpes on the fingers does not provoke severe inflammation in the tissues.

Unlike allergies. An allergic reaction, as a rule, with rashes on the hands, starts from the shoulders and then goes down to the hand. It is also worth noting that herpetic blisters are outwardly unlike allergies.

Unlike insect bites. We know that herpes is distinguished by its blistering pimples with a clear liquid inside or with a yellowish tint after it dries up. And yet it can be confused with an insect bite. The difference will contribute to a more frequent coverage of the rash after the insect.

It is not difficult to distinguish herpes on the hands from other skin diseases, and yet it is better to contact a specialist for a more detailed examination.


When treating herpes on the hands, forget about using Acyclovir ointment or creams containing it without concomitant therapy. With the localization of herpes on the hands and fingers, complex treatment with drugs taken orally is necessary. All creams and ointments based on Acyclovir can slightly muffle the disease at the very beginning, but it will not work to cure it exclusively with such means.

And yet, how to treat herpes? With herpes on the hands and other skin localizations, doctors most often prescribe complex treatment:

Tablets. For oral administration, the most commonly prescribed drugs are Valtrex or Famvir . If the skin lesion has turned into a purulent form, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

External funds. For surface treatment of the affected areas, ointments and creams with the base of Acyclovir are prescribed. Soda and potassium permanganate solutions are also prescribed.

Healing period. When the treatment of herpes on the hands comes to an end, doctors recommend lubricating the skin with fir oil for quick healing.

If you are wondering how to treat hand herpes at home (folk methods), you should know that it is practically useless. There are many good and effective recipes in folk medicine, but herpes on the hands or herpetic panaritium cannot be treated with such methods.

In the treatment of herpesvirus of this localization, it is highly not recommended to use preparations with the basis of corticosteroids. As well as painkillers – Analgin, Nise , etc. Do not start treatment for herpes without visiting a doctor!


Children, especially small ones, with frequent colds on the lips, have a high risk of getting herpes on their hands. If a child shoves his fingers into his mouth, then there is a high probability of transferring the virus from his lips to his fingers.

Hypothermia or overheating can provoke the activity of the virus and subsequently the formation of herpes on the hand of a child. Therefore, children should be dressed according to the weather.

If the child is still infected, it is necessary to constantly monitor him. Indeed, with a touch on other potentially virus-prone areas, herpes can go instantly, of course, if there is a damaged bubble on the child’s hand.


If you find herpes on your hand, be very careful! Sometimes one touch is enough to transfer the infection to the eyes, mouth, or genital area.

The disease is also dangerous during pregnancy. If the virus is active during pregnancy, it can affect the fetus. Therefore, if you notice signs of herpes, consult a doctor immediately.

From all of the above, it should be noted that herpetic lesions of the hands are associated with the domestic transfer of infected biomaterial. Therefore, one must always be vigilant in case of recurrence of a cold in the lips and genitals. And also be sure to consult a doctor so that he prescribes a comprehensive treatment for you. And the sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner you can get rid of this unpleasant disease.

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