
Proper treatment of herpes in the throat and the causes of the disease

Herpes in the throat is one of the most unpleasant herpes diseases. Usually , a sore throat lesion is caused by herpetic stomatitis or herpangina . Although herpes sore throat is not a herpes, but an enterovirus disease, it has a characteristic herpes symptomatology. And also occasionally you can encounter herpetic laryngitis. Below we will look at the causes and diagnosis of herpes throat lesions and figure out how to treat herpes in the throat.


As a rule, herpes virus types 1 and 2 lead to infection with herpes of the throat. Penetrating into the human body through the oral cavity, through the eyes, nasal mucosa or through the genitals. Here, the virus is embedded in the cells of the human body and lives for a very long time, does not show its location in any way and waits for favorable circumstances, respectively – a decrease in the immune system of the human body. In the absence of protection, the virus begins its development and spread in the area of neighboring cells.

In addition, the virus has another possibility of infection, this is close contact with an infected person. The herpes virus is quite tenacious and it can easily be transmitted through any household items – a towel, common utensils and much more. Usually , children suffer more from primary herpes, because they do not follow the rules of personal hygiene so carefully.

In the formation of herpes in the throat, there are many other factors and forms of herpes infection. The most significant changes, with the help of which the immune system of the body is tremendously reduced, are:

both acute and chronic infections (otitis media, SARS, intestinal, acute respiratory infections);


injuries, surgical interventions;

severe overwork, stressful situations;

failure to comply with the correct daily routine, poor sleep;

alcohol abuse, smoking;

sedentary lifestyle;

unbalanced diet;

lack of hardening processes;

long-term medication.

All of these factors significantly increase the risk of spreading an infectious disease, steadily stimulating the human body to reduce immunity.

In particular, the larynx area is at risk for the manifestation of herpes. In order to avoid infection with the herpes virus in the throat and the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to consult an immunologist.


Throat diseases are very different, especially in children, so throat herpes is quite difficult to distinguish from other, similar diseases. Bacterial diseases associated with diseases of the oral cavity, stomatitis, as well as tonsillitis can be easily confused with herpes. But there are some symptoms by which a herpetic lesion of the throat can be determined:

Body temperature rises sharply. Children have convulsive accompaniments of the disease. Severe headaches. The muscles of the whole body ache with severe pain.

In the oral cavity, the mucous membrane turns red, there is a burning sensation, a feeling of severe pain, swelling.

The uvula swells, white spots appear on the reddened swollen tonsils.

The throat becomes red, the tongue is covered with a gray coating.

The most significant signs of herpes in the throat are globular blisters that are filled with fluid. After 1-2 days, the liquid begins to become cloudy.

After 2-3 days, the vesicles begin to burst. Red ulcers form. Body temperature drops sharply, may drop to normal temperature. The pain still persists.

Timely and correct treatment of the throat makes it possible to tighten the sores with a film after 3-4 days, the pain gradually decreases. The sores begin to disappear.

The duration of an uncomplicated illness with herpes in the throat is about two weeks. There are cases when trigeminal neuralgia, located on the front of the head, also joins it. The patient has a sharp pain of a shooting type in the region of the nasolabial triangle. Neuralgia sometimes affects the entire nerve, spasms of the facial muscles occur, causing a severe pain tic.

As a complication of herpetic laryngitis, specialists register secondary infection of the oral cavity with bacterial or candidal microflora. This significantly distorts the clinical picture of the disease, so it can increase the duration of treatment. Sometimes the process of development of a generalized form of herpetic inflammation is possible. In this case, all human organs are affected.

What does herpes look like, localized in the throat

Herpes in the throat in adults and children has no external differences. External symptoms, of course, can be confused with other throat diseases, so you need to rely not only on them, but also on the general symptoms described above.


At the initial stage, the disease is difficult to diagnose. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of general intoxication can accompany various diseases. Only when rashes appear, the diagnosis of herpes in the throat is greatly facilitated.

In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, the attending physician gives directions for taking tests, such as:

laboratory studies of saliva;

general blood analysis;

scrapings from the oral mucosa;

polymerase chain reaction;

linked immunosorbent assay;

cultural research methodology.

Treatment of herpes in the throat usually has a favorable prognosis, respectively, the use of special methods of diagnosis is not always justified. However, the task of accurately determining the causative agent of the disease is of paramount importance if the patient has an artificial or acquired immunodeficiency, because such patients are at risk of generalization of the process and the development of complications.


It is very important for the patient to provide complete rest and exclude the intake of spicy, sweet, hot, salty and canned foods. To reduce pain, you need to drink warm decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is forbidden to warm up the throat by any means. It is also essential already for healthy people – the isolation of a patient infected with herpes in the throat of a patient until recovery.

For a patient with herpes in the throat, complex treatment is necessary. Localization of rashes authorizes the use of familiar ointments, so it is recommended to use special means for rinsing the throat and mouth. For the treatment of herpes in the throat, it is necessary to use drugs and injections only those prescribed by the attending physician. Let’s talk below about how to treat herpes in the throat.

Antiviral therapy

Acyclovir. Tablets are taken for primary and recurrent infections, children under 3 years of age are contraindicated;

Acyclovir. Injections are used in severe cases of herpes in the throat;

Valaciclovir . Tablets are taken to treat and prevent an infectious disease. There is no clinical experience with pediatric use.

Immunomodulating agents

Immunoglobulins. For intravenous use, it is one of the options for plasma protein replacement therapy in immunocompromised patients. It is used to prevent disease and create passive immunity. Also used in acute herpes sore throat.

Interferon. A group of related biologically active peptides, formed in cells after stimulation with various inducers, prevents the recurrence of herpes in the throat.

interferon inductors. List of immunomodulating agents that stimulate the production of their own interferon to fight herpes in the throat:

Levamisole is an anthelmintic agent with immunomodulatory properties;

Amiksin – stimulates the growth of stem cells, is characterized by a mild immunomodulatory effect and a direct antiviral effect;

Kagocel – the exact mechanism by which kagocel could influence the production of interferons is unknown;

Pyrogenal – is used to stimulate recovery processes and complex therapy of patients with prolonged or recurrent herpes in the throat


Septolete is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug for topical use in otorhinolaryngological practice;

Geksoral – antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory combined pharmaceutical preparation;

Pharyngosept – is used to prevent herpes in the throat, eliminates a bacterial infection in the pharynx and oral cavity.

Concomitant drugs

No-shpa, nurofen , ibuprofen – painkillers, taken with severe pain in the larynx;

Antihistamines – to prevent allergic reactions that occur when using a large number of drugs.

Elevated temperature is recommended to be eliminated only with the use of medications.


Herpes in the throat usually causes severe pain. In the initial stage of inflammation on the tonsils, to relieve pain, you can use folk remedies. Some recommendations to alleviate the patient’s condition:

to relieve pain, drink warm tea with mint and linden flower;

to relieve pain, use an infusion of burdock (one glass of boiling water, pour a tablespoon of burdock, leave for two hours, then strain, gargle several times a day);

in order to quickly heal ulcers formed from bursting bubbles, the use of a decoction of flax seeds will help;

to rinse the throat and mouth, insist on the collection of chamomile, sage and linden, brew a tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, strain, cool, apply for two to three days.

So, perhaps, one of the most important points that needs to be highlighted in summing up is that the herpetic lesion of the throat is not difficult to treat. But in order to quickly cure it, you need to use an integrated approach to treatment. Also, an important feature is the correct diagnosis of the disease, because with the correct diagnosis it will be easier to draw up a more targeted treatment plan.