Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy and how to treat it
Herpes on the lips during pregnancy often leads to serious stress for women, who, having heard that it can lead to complications, begin to worry, which aggravates the situation even more. But if herpes on the lips of pregnant women jumps up due to a relapse, and not because of a primary infection, then you should not worry so much. In different trimesters, primary infection with herpesvirus can lead to certain pathologies of the fetus, which are described in detail below.
In almost all cases, the cause, or rather, the recurrence of herpes on the lips, is a weak immune system. Therefore, when herpes on the lips makes itself felt during pregnancy, this indicates a weakened immune system. And this is not surprising, because during early pregnancy, women often have problems. Thrush and gum disease, all this is due to the peculiarities of the body of a pregnant woman, which changes the functioning of the immune system. In order for him not to touch the baby, because for him he is a “stranger”. That is why in the early stages of pregnancy, colds on the lips occur more often.
If herpes popped up on the lip, many women in position are wondering if herpes on the lips is dangerous during pregnancy. The short answer is yes, it is dangerous during the initial infection with the virus both in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the rest. And with a recurrence of the virus, both for pregnant women and for the fetus, herpes is not dangerous, only if the woman does not have a serious immunodeficiency.
The thing is that herpes on the lips during pregnancy does not threaten the fetus, since this symptomatology indicates a herpetic lesion of the facial nerve. That is, the virus itself has localization in the face, and not in the stomach. But if a primary infection occurs, then the immune system is not yet able to fight the herpes virus. A cold on the lip during pregnancy rarely gives complications to the fetus, but these consequences exist and below you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail.
Features in the 1st trimester
1 trimester is most dangerous for the herpes virus during primary infection. The consequences of infection of the body during this period may result in a miscarriage. The fact is that in the first trimester there is an active formation of the fetus. And if the body of a pregnant woman has never met with herpes and it does not have antibodies, and this indicates a corresponding danger.
But with a relapse, there is no need to be afraid of herpetic eruptions on the lips. The body will produce all the same antibodies and fight the virus, as in the period when the woman is not in a position. Moreover, the immune system of a pregnant woman will pass antibodies to the herpes virus to the child and will protect him even up to six months. But at the same time, the child is most likely to be born a carrier.
Features in the 2nd trimester
In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the development of any pathologies of the fetus during the primary infection of the body is not as dangerous as in the first trimester. But if the herpes simplex virus type 1, which causes a cold on the lips, passes in a very severe form, then complications in the child are possible. The baby can be born with low weight and poor immunity. But the most dangerous complication can occur by 12 weeks, when the child’s nervous system is being formed. At this point, it would seem that the usual herpes on the lip, during pregnancy, can lead to meningitis in the newborn baby. But these are very rare cases that occur, usually with immunodeficiency.
The virus that provoked a cold on the lip during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can lead to the following complications:
after 14 weeks, the herpes virus can disrupt the fetus’s developing endocrine system;
after 16 weeks, due to the herpes virus in the fetus, bone tissue may begin to form poorly;
after 20 weeks, the virus is dangerous to the female fetus and can disrupt the formation of the ovaries.
Recurrent herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the second trimester, as a rule, is not dangerous for either the child or the pregnant woman. Maternal antibodies are good at protecting the fetus.
Features in the 3rd trimester
Herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman in the third trimester with a primary lesion can impair the child’s vision and hearing. Just in time for the 24th week, these organs begin to form in the fetus. Therefore, wondering why herpes is dangerous in this period, you need to know that with complications, herpes can affect the birth of a blind or deaf baby. But to date, almost the entire population of the planet has been infected with the herpes simplex virus, so such consequences are unlikely. Well, with the manifestation of herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester in a chronic form (relapse), nothing threatens the fetus.
For the treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, an integrated approach is used. The only thing you need to know is that it is not recommended to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy with antiviral pills. It is also important to use folk remedies. Although most people still prefer drugs in the treatment of herpetic rash, traditional medicine for pregnant women will be very helpful. You also need to follow a diet.
Treatment plan
So, let’s take a closer look at how to treat and how to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy.
Antiviral drugs. With a cold on the lip of a pregnant woman, as mentioned above, it is not recommended to use antiviral, tablet medicines. But you can use antiviral ointments and creams. From creams and ointments, 2 preparations should be distinguished. The first ointment – Acyclovir, is a fairly cheap and effective ointment. The second – Zovirax , this is also an acyclovir -containing antiviral ointment, it costs more, but it works the same way. These ointments do not interact with the fetus in any way, unlike tablets that are taken orally.
Ethnoscience. In order to effectively treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy, it is recommended to use complex therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to add traditional medicine to antiviral agents. Folk methods are used not so much to treat the problem, but to heal. That is, they should be used when the herpetic vesicles are already starting to dry out. For this, sea buckthorn oil is often used to lubricate the common cold. And also aloe helps with herpes on the lips.
Nutrition and herpes during pregnancy. We figured out how to treat herpes, now it’s worth talking about the diet. Of course, it is very important for a young mother to follow a diet rich in minerals. In addition, it is very important to support the body with a constant influx of high-quality proteins and vitamins. To do this, eat less fatty foods, especially those with bad cholesterol, and consume more vegetables and fruits. It is worth taking care of the constant influx of vitamins into the body, this will allow you to more effectively treat herpes on the lip during pregnancy. If you find it difficult to gain vitamins through food, consult a gynecologist that he can advise you from vitamin preparations.
So, we looked at how herpes on the lip during pregnancy affects the body. If you are afraid that the baby may have problems due to the peculiarity of the virus, we advise you to urgently consult a doctor. Since if the infection is primary, then it really can give complications. But, most likely, a herpetic rash on the lips is just the activation of a virus in the body in response to a weakened immune system, and in this case you should not worry, especially if there are no problems with immunodeficiency. Well, it is better to treat your doctor.