
Why Herpes Is Dangerous During Pregnancy And How To Treat It

Today, herpes during pregnancy is a very relevant topic, due to the more frequent infection and relapse. If you are wondering whether herpes is dangerous during pregnancy – yes, it is dangerous, but not always. Below we will talk about how a herpes infection affects pregnancy, whether there can be a miscarriage if herpes was detected in the early stages of pregnancy, and what drugs are used in its treatment.


Herpes and pregnancy is a rather serious phenomenon, which is scrupulously kept under the supervision of infectious disease doctors. The herpes simplex virus poses a huge danger to the proper maturation and formation of the fetus. For example: by teratogenic initiative, of all viruses, the ability to inflict ugliness on the embryo, only in the rubella virus.

As a consequence, the distinctive features of herpes, especially during pregnancy, have always been examined carefully. To date, scientific medicine has collected quite extensive material on this disease.

People face herpes infection more often than one might imagine. Herpes in pregnant women poses a particular threat to both the woman and the fetus.


Herpes during pregnancy behaves as usual in relation to the pregnant woman herself, the most common strains are:

Herpes type 1. during pregnancy, everything is also localized in the form of bubbles near the labial borders and on the lips. Labial herpes is more often transmitted by close contact with a virus carrier.

Herpes type 2 during pregnancy is the cause of the same herpetic rash in the groin and genitals, which brings much more discomfort while in position. One type of genital herpes is vaginal herpes, which during pregnancy can lead to infection of the fetus.

Virus type 3 – chickenpox and herpes zoster. Shingles during pregnancy forms a rash around the torso, less often it forms around the legs or around the forearms and arms. In the primary viral infection, shingles is the widely known chickenpox.

Type 4 virus (Epstein-Barr) – causes infectious mononucleosis. The disease does not form a blistering rash.

5th type of herpes. Cytomegalovirus in pregnant women proceeds without rashes. A characteristic manifestation is an increased body temperature and symptoms of colds. Diagnostics – laboratory examination of a blood test.


Possible relapse or secondary reproductive activation of herpes infection invariably occurs against the background of a significant decrease in immunity. During pregnancy, a decrease in the protective functions of the body is called physiological and is considered completely normal.

As a rule, herpes often occurs during pregnancy. This is due to a significant decrease in the woman’s immunity. This phenomenon occurs in the body for the purpose of bearing and preserving the fetus. If the immunity of a pregnant woman functioned at its fullest potential, the fetus would simply be rejected.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude: a lowered immune system is necessary during pregnancy. But at this point, the body is very susceptible to infection, especially in the second trimester. The fact is that during pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, a woman’s health becomes better, respectively, sex returns. And genital herpes, as a rule, is transmitted most often through sexual contact.

The deterioration of immunity in the second trimester of pregnancy occurs due to a lack of a vitamin complex, which is vigorously spent in the body during the formation and maturation of the fetus. In the third trimester, immunity decreases for the same reasons.


Consider the danger of herpes during pregnancy. It is pointless to object to medical statistics on herpes during pregnancy. With regard to this disease, she provides the following information and figures:

the carrier of the herpes virus of the first type, as well as of the second type, is literally 90% of people on Earth;

with primary infection with genital herpes during pregnancy, the risk of infection of the fetus in utero is thirty to fifty percent, in recurrent herpes three to seven percent;

herpes in early pregnancy becomes the basis of spontaneous miscarriage in thirty percent of cases;

herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester will cause late miscarriage in fifty percent of cases;

in forty percent of newborns, intrauterine infection actively leads to the formation of a carrier of a latent virus with the possible development of dysfunctional disorders at a later age;

in women who have had the disease asymptomatically or in atypical forms, sick children are born in seventy percent of cases. Infant mortality in this group itself is approximately fifty to seventy percent of cases. About fifteen percent of babies are born healthy.

It is important to take into account that the treatment of herpes during pregnancy can be carried out at any time. The more timely the expectant mother turns to the clinic to an obstetrician-gynecologist, the more timely the diagnostics will be carried out and both therapeutic and preventive measures will be prescribed. Otherwise, numerous complications of a different nature may arise.

With extensive rashes on the lips, in the nose, face, possibly on the mucous membrane of the genitals or in the area of ​​any other part of the body, the attending physician directs the pregnant woman to additional studies, the purpose of which will be to identify the type of herpes virus that has entered the body. Herpesvirus type 1 is not as dangerous as genital. In this case, it is clear how herpes affects the condition of a pregnant woman and the fact that the virus can bring serious complications.


Let us analyze what goals are pursued by the treatment of herpes infection during pregnancy:

significantly reduce symptoms;

accelerate regeneration (recovery) processes;

shorten the duration of the acute period;

significantly reduce the severity of the isolation of an infectious virus in the affected areas;

reduce the number of relapses.

No therapeutic measures lead to an absolutely complete and final disappearance of the virus from the body for one simple reason – it always lives in a person. Nevertheless, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms as much as possible and reduce the number of secondary relapses.

Drug treatment

Of course, women need to know how to treat herpes during pregnancy, but do not use these drugs without consulting a specialist. The main drugs for combating herpes during pregnancy are groups of specialized drugs to increase the efficiency of the immune system:

Interferon. Viferon – candles, gel, ointment. An immunomodulatory drug with antiviral effects. Pregnant women are allowed to use the drug for herpes in the second trimester;

Interferon. Genferon – candles. Immunomodulatory drug with antiviral effects. It is used when absolutely necessary in the second and third trimesters.

Let us analyze which medications are effective today, but with caution and only after the appropriate recommendations of the attending physician:

Famtsiklovir- Teva – tablets. The antiviral drug is used to treat diseases caused by the Varicella zoster virus and the Herpes simplex virus .

Fenistil Pencivir – cream. Antimicrobial, antiviral drug is used in the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex – skin diseases for external use. For pregnant women, use only on the recommendation of the attending physician;

Valacyclovir . Antiviral drugs in pill form are prescribed by the attending physician for systemic use. It can be used during pregnancy only in cases where the expected benefit of therapy for a woman outweighs the potential risk to the fetus;

Acyclovir – lyophilisate , cream, ointment, tablets, powder. The antiviral drug is used in the treatment, prevention of exacerbations or primary and recurrent herpes infections.


If, before pregnancy, the expectant mother already had genital herpes, then she needs to inform the gynecologist who is observing her about this. It is necessary to inform the doctor immediately when the first symptoms of an exacerbation appear. Herpes during early pregnancy is dangerous by a miscarriage of the fetus.

Timely treatment will be more effective. The maximum effectiveness of the effects of antiherpetic drugs is noted before the onset of the rash or within a day after the onset.


In case of relapses, it is recommended to take sessile baths with herbal infusions of chamomile flowers and a series, followed by the application of drying ointments. And also doctors strongly recommend that you seriously think about a healthy lifestyle: walk more often in the fresh air, maintain a calm psychological environment, avoid stressful situations and depression.

You need to include in your diet foods containing lysine (one of the amino acids that is part of proteins). Lysine slows down the mass reproduction of the virus. This amino acid is found in large quantities in fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as chicken and fish. Sources of lysine are considered to be dairy products, legumes, some grain products, chicken and quail eggs.

You should refrain from eating foods containing arginine, which stimulates the activity of the virus in the body. Arginine is abundant in chocolate and raisins.

Summing up, it is worth noting that it is necessary to understand the danger of primary infection with a virus. Herpetic infection can seriously harm the fetus precisely at the first infection of the pregnant woman’s body, due to the lack of antibodies. Different strains of herpes have different effects on the formation of the fetus, cytomegalovirus can give some consequences, and genital herpes others. Moreover, regardless of herpes in the second trimester, first or third, most often the infection will act on the development of the child’s organs, which are being formed at the moment.