
Treatment of genital herpes

Genital herpes is a widespread disease among the population. The disease is transmitted sexually and has an extremely negative effect on the health of the infected. For women, genital herpes is especially dangerous due to a number of diseases that it can provoke. Complications during pregnancy are also possible. It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes, however, treatment of genital herpes can reduce the number of its relapses. Timely and competent treatment will translate the disease into an asymptomatic form and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Herpes is transmitted not only during classic sexual intercourse, but also during oral sex, when the partner has a cold on the lips. The likelihood of contracting herpes is especially high during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Symptoms of STDs can occur in various ways – it can be a rash on the genitals, urethritis, cystitis, and other diseases caused by herpes.

The symptoms of an STD depend on whether it is typical, atypical, or asymptomatic. The most common form of herpes is atypical. In the typical form of herpes, small bubbles appear on the external genitals, buttocks and thighs. The bubbles are arranged in groups of up to 10 pieces and contain a clear liquid. Nearby bubbles can merge into a single one. After 3 days, the liquid in the bubbles becomes cloudy, the contents begin to shrink, forming a yellow crust that is painful. On the 5-6th day, the crust disappears. On average, STD symptoms disappear within 10-14 days.

Atypical and asymptomatic forms are the most dangerous. In the atypical form, there may be either rashes, or discomfort in the perineum, or inflammation in the affected area. Symptoms of STDs in the asymptomatic form of the disease do not appear. Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease becomes more complicated, and the treatment of genital herpes is not carried out in a timely manner.

Treating genital herpes can reduce symptoms by making the patient feel better. The progression of the disease can lead to various complications, and timely treatment avoids this. Antiviral drugs are used for two purposes: episodic treatment or suppressive treatment. In the first case, the treatment of genital herpes is carried out to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease during the period of its exacerbation, which can reduce pain and reduce the number of rashes. Such treatment does not affect the progression of the disease as a whole. To reduce the frequency of exacerbations, a second treatment option is carried out, when drugs are used that suppress the multiplication of the virus. This treatment prevents your partner from contracting herpes.

Only a specialist can choose the right course of treatment, so self-medication is unacceptable. But, despite the effectiveness of the treatment, you should remember about precautions to avoid infecting your partner. During an exacerbation of the disease, when rashes and a burning sensation, pain appear, sexual contacts should be excluded. The appearance of a cold on the lips should also serve as an excuse to refuse oral sex. Using condoms during sex reduces the risk of infection, but if there are rashes on the skin of the buttocks and thighs, infection cannot be avoided.

The slightest suspicion of infection should be the reason for going to the doctor. Delaying treatment will not lead to anything good. 

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