
How and how to treat chickenpox in adults

To understand how to treat chickenpox in adults, you need to understand why adults get chickenpox at all. Many people think of chickenpox as a childhood disease. However, chicken pox is becoming more common in people of all ages. Below we will look at why not only teenagers and children are susceptible to this viral disease, and then we will analyze in detail the treatment of chickenpox in adults.


At present, due to the extensive vaccination of the child population, children are less likely to get sick with childhood infections and, accordingly, leave the opportunity to get sick in the adult period of life. Therefore, there is a possibility of infection. Due to the fact that the reactivity of the body of an adult is different – in an adult the body is less plastic, less mobile, which means, as a rule, a childhood illness in an adult takes much longer and is much more difficult.

Chickenpox in adults occurs in extremely rare cases, since chickenpox is still a childhood disease. You can get chickenpox twice. But given the great successes of modern medicine, we are fighting the disease well. Thus, we prevent the body from fighting the infection on its own. Often, the immune system is not formed as firmly and fully as it could be if the infection was not treated with medication in childhood.


Its name speaks for itself about the distribution line of chickenpox. The disease is carried by the wind, that is, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. The basis for the development of the disease is the contact of healthy people with virus carriers. The risk of infection occurs before the rash appears on the body.

Since chickenpox has a viral etiology (herpesvirus type 3), weak immunity often easily allows it to rapidly penetrate the human body system. The incubation period for chickenpox can last about 2-3 weeks. During this period, chickenpox does not manifest itself outwardly. Sometimes during the incubation period, patients experience general weakness, feel unwell. This occurs when the virus affects the lymphatic system or various organs of the human body.

One to three days before the onset of rashes, the infected person becomes dangerous to society. The first signs of infection include:

a fleeting increase in body temperature from 37.5 to 39 degrees;

along with fever, the appearance of a rash in the form of pink spots begins;

the appearance of transparent watery vesicles;

Strong headache;

intolerable itching;

lack of appetite.

At the first stage of the disease, a rash can occur on the head or face, as well as on the oral mucosa or in the genital area. During the course of chickenpox in adults, there are similar symptoms with children – the papules burst and dry out, and new bubbles form next to them. Combing them is strictly prohibited so as not to spread viruses and prevent scarring.


Manifestations of severe symptoms of chickenpox in adults significantly worsen the patient’s well-being. The appearance of new rashes can last up to 15-21 days. Elevated temperature stably keeps for a long time, intoxication of the body, as a rule, causes:


body aches;

severe muscle and joint pain;

fear of light;

feeling of chronic fatigue.

In this situation, it is important to know that without consulting a doctor, making a correct diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment, it is not always possible to recover quickly.


The seasonal time for people to go to the clinic with signs of infection is the autumn-winter season. In the treatment of chickenpox in adults, if it occurs in a severe form, antiherpetic drugs are usually used , since the causative agent of chickenpox is the herpes virus – Varicella Zoster .

General treatment regimen

Acyclovir – ointment. Antiviral drug. Penetrates into cells affected by the virus. Does not allow the virus to multiply. Gets rid of herpes vesicles. Promotes the rapid suppression of the disease. Suppresses recurrence of infection in patients with low immunity. Lubricate affected areas: 5-6 times during the day.

Infagel – gel. Antiviral drug. Used for external and local use. Apply a thin layer to affected areas. It is dried for 10-15 minutes until a protective film appears 2 times a day with a break of 12 hours. The duration of the course is from 4 to 5 days.

Diazolin – dragee, tablets. An effective antihistamine. It is used for itching of the skin. It is taken when a rash appears. Well tolerated. The dosage is prescribed individually by the attending physician.

If chickenpox is accompanied by a high temperature, you can not use “Aspirin” in the form of an antipyretic. Taking Aspirin for chickenpox can cause a very serious condition and lead to death.

In adults over 18 years of age, chickenpox is characterized by a rather severe course of the disease. An essential feature of chickenpox in adults is a very high probability of the formation of quite serious complications. To avoid this, the treatment of chickenpox must be started in a timely manner.

How is chickenpox treated in adults in a mild form

With a mild form, chickenpox is easy to cure at home. Patients are advised:

treat the affected area with a bicarbonate solution, Fukortsin or use talc with menthol;

with severe anxiety, you can take a light sleeping pill or sedatives – tincture of valerian or motherwort;

follow a diet – exclude salty smoked, spicy, fried, fatty foods from the diet;

include dairy products in the diet;

drink more fluids – compotes, tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs, mineral water, juices;

with severe sweating, wipe the skin with disinfectants;

at elevated temperatures, take antipyretic drugs;

observe bed rest;

linen should be changed daily and be made from natural fibers;

be sure to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

It is recommended to take water treatments (warm bath or shower) with chamomile. A decoction of pharmaceutical chamomile – 3-5 dessert spoons of dry raw materials and 1 liter of water are required. Pour crushed chamomile flowers with water, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Add a decoction to the bath and bathe up to 3 times a day for 10 minutes without rubbing the skin with a washcloth.

Folk remedies for chickenpox in the mouth

In some cases, chickenpox affects the oral cavity, when the sores of the chickenpox rash begin to appear on the oral mucosa. Consider how to treat chickenpox in this case:

sea buckthorn oil is used in complex therapy as a wound healing agent and to activate tissue metabolism, improves trophism and stimulates the regeneration process. After treatment of wounds with antibiotics, tampons richly moistened with oil, wound surfaces are tamponed;

warm salt water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for rinsing the mouth;

ice cubes or cold lotions from a decoction of wormwood and string are applied to the sores;

chamomile pharmacy – the method of preparation is the same as for taking baths. Rinse your mouth several times a day.

To maintain the immune system, you need to take a vitamin complex. You can also prepare a mixture of honey mixed with lemon juice and take 1 teaspoon three times a day.


See your doctor regularly.

Make sure that there are no chronic diseases that can give a severe course of childhood infection.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

do not rely on universal remedies, but immediately consult a doctor so that he can recognize a childhood illness in an adult in time.

It must be remembered that the treatment of chickenpox in children is usually easier. In this regard, when chickenpox is detected in an adult, experts recommend contacting a clinic or calling a doctor at home to more correctly determine the severity of the disease. For correct and effective therapy, the dosage of drugs and the method of treatment should be determined only by a doctor.

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