
Details about herpes simplex virus type 7

One of the most controversial herpes viruses today is herpes type 7. He very often works in conjunction with the herpes simplex virus type 6, which complicates the process of its diagnosis, but rather – understanding whether certain symptoms and diseases manifested itself from him at all. Below we will tell you what diseases type 7 herpesvirus can cause, what complications it can lead to and talk about the methods used in the modern world to treat its manifestations.



Herpes simplex virus type 7 is a species that belongs to the betaherpesvirus subfamily of the herpesvirus family. This herpes strain belongs to lymphotropic viruses, causing infectious diseases. It is found in the blood as well as in saliva and is capable of attacking lymphocytes. As you know, in 1990, the virus was first isolated from CD4 + T-lymphocytes of peripheral blood; it is still poorly understood in comparison with some other strains of herpes viruses. It grows rather slowly and only on human CD4 lymphocytes.

Herpes simplex virus type 7 is one of the most common viruses on Earth, affecting almost 10% of the world’s inhabitants. Together with the herpes simplex virus of the sixth type, it induces chronic fatigue syndrome. This phenomenon happens quite often. The widespread occurrence of the syndrome is very significant. Neither age nor sex of a person plays any role. In the human body, the virus can exist in a latent form for a long time, skillfully evading immunity.


In type 7 herpes, the symptoms are similar to the clinical manifestations of the type 6 herpes virus, as a result of which it is almost impossible to distinguish HHV-7 from HHV-6.

Diseases caused by primary infection

The primary infection with herpes simplex type 7 occurs during childhood. Children may experience:

baby roseola, in which the temperature rises and spotty rashes appear on the body. This is usually accompanied by an inflammation of the throat, as well as an increase in lymph nodes in the back of the head;

fever and febrile seizures without rashes;

mononucleosis-like syndrome, which is similar to infectious mononucleosis commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

Herpes type 7 in rare cases causes meningoencephalitis, hepatitis and other serious pathologies. This mainly happens in children with weak immune systems. Often, type 7 herpes infection is completely asymptomatic.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

With the activation of herpes type 7 in adults, it is possible to provoke the formation of chronic fatigue syndrome, the clinic of which is as follows:

severe hypotension – low blood pressure, characterized by duration and autonomic disorders;

unchanged low-grade body temperature;

causeless general weakness;

a rapid feeling of overwork;

body aches, joint pain, muscle pain;

increased daytime severe drowsiness;

disruption of the daily routine, in the morning a feeling of weakness, sleepless nights;

changes in body weight – increase or decrease;

violation of the digestive system;

problems with urination;

heart rhythm disorder;

mental disorders – apathy, causeless irritability or depression;

lymphadenopathy – an increase in lymph nodes in the lymphatic structures;

allergic disorders in the form of unreasonably hypersensitivity to medicines, food, the sun, etc.


In people with immunodeficiency who have undergone organ or bone marrow transplants, when using immunosuppressive drugs, infection with this virus is accompanied by many serious consequences. In this category of patients, it is possible:

the formation of encephalitis;

maturation of pneumonia;

rejection of the graft;

frequent recurrence of infectious diseases;

significant weakening of the immune system;

the occurrence of some dermatological diseases (pink and flat lichen);

development of oncology;

the formation of the syndrome of immune depression.


The specific antiviral treatment of type 7 human herpesvirus presents certain difficulties. It has been established that this type of herpes is almost insensitive to the vast majority of nucleosides and their analogs, which are traditionally used to treat herpes.

Special treatment for baby roseola is not required. As a rule, antipyretic and antihistamines are used. It is highly recommended to consume a lot of liquid in the form of water, compotes and fruit drinks.

Treatment of herpes of type 7 should be comprehensive, in addition to the use of medications, there are still ways to support the body, such as:

correction of the immune structure upon detection of its violations;

lifestyle change;

dosed exercise therapy loads;

rejection of bad habits;


certain methods of physiotherapy;

use of neurometabolic stimulants as directed by a physician;


Chronic fatigue syndrome can only be treated after a medical examination by qualified specialists. As a rule, the treatment of herpes type 7 consists in taking antiviral drugs, which can suppress a rather active direction of the disease and relieve symptomatic signs.

Of great importance for the treatment of the body is the constant support of the immune structure in good shape, this is facilitated by the intake of immunostimulating agents.

Summing up, it is worth noting that there is simply nothing to treat type 7 herpes. Special means against this strain of the virus have not been invented. But most of the real diseases that it causes are treated symptomatically, and when leading a healthy lifestyle, it is difficult to face its manifestation.

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